We’re almost two decades into the new millennium, and some companies are still stuck like it’s 1999. Nostalgia might work for old records and bell-bottom jeans, but not for office spaces.

It’s time for a declutter. You company is likely wasting money on a larger office space to accommodate things you just don’t need. Olympia Office Movers is here to help you evaluate and move to a smaller, cost effective, and modern office space.

Here is Olympia’s list of things in your workplace that just need to go.

Fax Machines to Email and USB

Fax machines are out and digital transfers like email, local cloud storage, and Dropbox are in. Only Joe Shmoe at Radioshack is still using a fax machine, and he’s just doing it to be different.



Mail Rooms to Digital Communications

Mail rooms became obsolete with email, but some companies have kept them around gathering dust. All that wasted space is the best place to set up a game room or relaxation area.




Fluorescent Lighting to Natural Light

Not only are fluorescent lights an energy drain, they also hurt the eyes. Most offices try to do the most they can with natural sunlight these days, with LED bulbs as an alternative.



Analog Registers to Multi-Use Registers (Card tap and Apple Pay)

Cash rhymes with past for a reason! The classic push-button register is being retired across the country. Now full-digital systems like Square are taking over point of sale systems, as well as payments, capital management, and payroll.

(Disclaimer from the author: Actually, carrying cash is very important and you should still do it even if you don’t ever use it).



Water Cooler to Water Bottle Fountain

Though the water cooler is legend in the stereotypical office, more and more companies are switching to filtered water bottle stations. This reduces plastic waste from disposable cups. Encourage your team to convert to water bottles full time and access to crisp, filtered water.


Drip Coffee Machines to Keurigs and Tea Pots

The drip coffee maker lost favor with the caffeinated masses long ago. Keurig brewers are usually the first suspect in drip coffee’s decline, but traditional and electric teapots are also seeing a resurgence as tea reasserts itself.


Meetings Over Dinner

Nobody wants to talk business while they chomp on a medium rare steak. As the concept of ‘work-life balance’ gains popularity, less people are wooing clients in the evening.


Stationary Storage to Free Space

Physical marketing materials and company stationary are out of favor. Offices need less storage space than ever nowadays, so the old closets full of paper have lost their relevance. As email and social media marketing take over, say goodbye to the pamphlets of yesterday.


Closed Cubicles to Open Floor Plans

Cubicles are reaching the age of retirement in certain industries. Now, open concept offices are the cutting edge of innovation.




Are You Hanging On to Old Stuff?

If you read this list and felt called out, maybe its time to call in the professionals. Olympia Moving and Storage can help you declutter your office with our trained disposal crews. Unwanted furniture, appliances, papers, and trash will be out of your office without any hassle on your part.


If your company has thing it just doesn’t need anymore, contact Olympia Moving and Storage today at 800-222-4744 or fill out our free estimate form.