How To Make Your Office Greener Or More Eco-Friendly
Numerous studies show employee health and well-being are inextricably linked to employers providing a clean, healthy work environment. Studies also show that employees spend a significant part of each day at work.
It is therefore important to ensure the environment is safe and conducive to mental and physical well-being and productivity. Some studies also indicate that employees in an eco-friendly workspace tend to experience fewer workplace mistakes, and accidents. Besides, a greener office seems to help minimize high staff turnover and absenteeism. All are key indicators why you should make your officer greener.
Here Are Some Ways To Make Your Office More Eco-Friendly
Facilitate Employee Buy-In
Employees who feel a part of any greening program will more than likely help sustain the initiative in the long-run. One of the best ways to make your office greener and more eco-friendly is to include your employees in your planning at the start.
Engendering employee input into green initiatives will help make them feel they constitute an integral part of the project. It may also help motivate them to come up with their ideas to make their workspaces more efficient and user-friendly.
Improve Wellness And Reduce Absenteeism
Some studies show that employers lose billions of dollars in production time yearly due to absenteeism or illness. A sick work environment may also contribute to high staff turnover, more workplace mistakes and accidents, and low motivation.
A clean work environment is a great investment in helping to improve productivity, general outlook, and employee and client relations.
Improve The Lighting
Research shows that office lighting consumes almost 20 percent of all energy use in organizations. Incorporating more natural lighting may not only help reduce energy costs but may promote more alertness and focus at workstations.
Switching to low-energy or LED lighting, and positioning workstations closer to natural sunlight may help boost energy and productivity levels among employees.
Encourage employees to turn off lights in rooms that are used less frequently, and also switch off lights at the end of the workday. Some studies indicate leaving lights on overnight may help increase greenhouse emissions in the office.

Incorporate More Greenery
An attractive work area may help boost employee perspective and foster greater interaction among colleagues and customers. Try bringing some of the greenery from the outside into the workspace to help make your office more eco-friendly.
Research shows that plants can help improve the overall air quality by consuming carbon dioxide and increasing oxygen levels. Plants may also help disperse any chemical substances released by office cleaning products, furniture, and equipment. Cleaner air quality may also help reduce absenteeism due to illness resulting from environmental factors.
Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products And Equipment
Chemical cleaning products may release harmful gases or fumes into the air and air-conditioning vents. Studies show some odors and toxic fumes from chemical cleaning products may contaminate the office environment with constant use.
Some products may also release irritants that can contribute to respiratory illnesses, burning, itching, watery eyes, and itching skin. Eco-friendly cleaning products can help employees inhale, cleaner, fresher air.
They may also help reduce dust and chemical residues that may shorten the lifespan of office furniture and equipment.
Conserve Energy
Lighting and equipment generate high volumes of energy while operating. Eco-friendly office equipment may help reduce emissions and cut costs related to high-energy output.
Switch off computers, printers, heating, and air-conditioning systems when not in use. Regulating heating and cooling systems to avoid constant cycling also help reduce energy output and expenses in the office.
Use Less Water
Conserving water will also help reduce wastage and utility costs. Implementing initiatives to help conserve water will also ensure a more eco-friendly work environment.
Switch out traditional plumbing fixtures with low-output or motor sensor faucets. Low-flushing toilets will also help save water. Check your plumbing system regularly to help reduce leaks and replace faulty fixtures promptly.
Reduce Wastage
Green office spaces can also help reduce office wastage and operating expenses. Let employees be responsible for providing their utensils for coffee, snack and lunch breaks. Reducing the reliance on single-use plastics will help minimize wastage, and garbage entering the landfill.
Using less paper and recycling used paper will also help reduce costs. Set up areas around the office for collecting items that can be recycled to help reduce clutter and wastage. Recycling ink cartridges, filters, drinking bottles, cans, and paper products can also help reduce the carbon footprint in the environment.
Service Equipment Regularly
Instituting a sustainable maintenance schedule can also help make your office environment more eco-friendly and productive. Periodic checks and servicing equipment will ensure they are in good working order, help reduce breakdowns, and expand their lifespan.
Improve Restroom Efficiency
Restrooms are among the hardest-working spaces in the office. Making them more eco-friendly will reap many benefits. Use eco-friendly cleaning products to keep floors, walls, sinks, and bowls clean, sanitary and pleasant smelling.
Keep washroom floors dry and clean to help reduce slips and falls that may cause serious accidents or injury. Switch to soaps and air-fresheners that emit fewer odors into the atmosphere, and reduce oils and other harmful chemicals entering the drainage system.
Clean around taps, basins, and bowls often to help minimize mold and mildew build-up. Use hand blowers or cloth towels to reduce the use of paper products for drying hands after using the washroom.
Recycle Obsolete Equipment
You can become a good corporate citizen by doing your part to reduce the number of machines entering the landfills. Instead of throwing them out, check to see whether you can recycle or refurbish them to extend their usefulness. You can then donate them to charitable organizations or educational institutions.
Daily commuting may lead to fatigue, stress and less productivity among employees. Promoting carpooling may help protect the environment while promoting greater employee interaction.
Providing a clean, eco-friendly office space is one of the best ways to ensure the safety and well-being of your employees. It also demonstrates a level of corporate responsibility to clients and staff that you are serious about business and the environment.
Empowering your employees to be a part of green initiatives will help keep them invested in their workspace health and safety regulations. Eco-friendly workspaces can help reduce wastage, conserve energy, and promote a happier, healthier, more engaging employee. If you are relocating an office this is a great time to consider taking steps to make your office greener. In the event of an office relocation, make sure you hire professionals for this process. Click here to get a free estimate today.